i want to search column by name
i tried to do this manually by
table[0].config.widgetOptions.columnSelector_columns = {
2: true,
3: false
and call table.trigger('update'); or table.trigger('applyWidgets'); or table.trigger('refreshColumnSelector'); but nothing working also tried refresh Widgets but its not working too...
* Please note * this widget & code only work on my fork of tablesorter.
You could target all (or both in this case) tables, then use the jQuery .each()
method like this:
.each(function(i, table){
var $table = $(table);
// ...
widgetOptions: {
// ...
columnSelector_container : $('#columnSelector' + ( i + 1 )),
// ...
.bind('filterEnd', function(e, filter){
// the current number of filtered rows is contained in config.filteredRows
$table.prev('div').find('.filterCount').text( table.config.filteredRows );
and as for the css, you can group them together:
#colSelect1:checked + label, #colSelect2:checked + label {
background: #5797d7;
border-color: #555;
#colSelect1:checked ~ #columnSelector1, #colSelect2:checked ~ #columnSelector2 {
display: block;