I am trying to compile a sass file like normal, but instead I want the output file to have the file extension ".scss.liquid" instead of the regular ".css".
For example: If I had the file "main.scss", I want the output upon compilation to be "main.scss.liquid", NOT "main.css".
I want this as i am using shopify.
Please note: I still expect the same output like when i compile normally with compass.
It's worth mentioning that if you wanted to do this plain sass it would be done in the following way (I think):
sass input.scss output.scss.liquid
But how will this be done using compass
I managed to figure it out thanks to this: https://coderwall.com/p/5by4ww/compass-add-min-to-the-filename
I just appended this to the end of the config.rb file:
require 'fileutils'
on_stylesheet_saved do |file|
if File.exists?(file)
filename = File.basename(file, File.extname(file))
File.rename(file, "assets" + "/" + filename + ".scss.liquid")