I'm trying to know which button is pressed so I do this on onReceive
Log.e(TAG, "Clicked " + extras.getInt("ACTION"));
and I always, no matter which button I press, get 3 (ActionEnum.GO_TO_REMINDERS)
which is the setContentIntent
another issue is that the notification is not closed unless I press on the notification buddy, but it's not closed when I press the button.
public void createNotification(Context context, Reminder reminder) {
// Build notification
Notification noti = new Notification.Builder(context)
.setContentText("Pick Action")
getPendingAction(context, reminder,
.addAction(R.drawable.icon, "Take",
getPendingAction(context, reminder, ActionEnum.TAKE))
.addAction(R.drawable.icon, "Snooze",
getPendingAction(context, reminder, ActionEnum.SNOOZE))
.addAction(R.drawable.icon, "Remove",
getPendingAction(context, reminder, ActionEnum.REMOVE))
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context
// hide the notification after its selected
noti.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
notificationManager.notify(0, noti);
public PendingIntent getPendingAction(Context context, Reminder reminder,
ActionEnum action) {
// Prepare intent which is triggered if the
// notification is selected
Intent intent = new Intent(context, RemindersReceiver.class);
intent.putExtra("ID", reminder.getIntId());
intent.putExtra("CLICK", true);
intent.putExtra("ACTION", action.getValue());
Log.e(TAG, "set action : " + action.getValue());
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0);
Your code in getPendingAction()
will always return the same PendingIntent
. You are not creating a separate PendingIntent
each time you call this method. To ensure that each call creates a separate PendingIntent
, you need to make the Intent
unique. You can do this by setting the ACTION in the Intent
, like this:
To ensure that any old PendingIntent
s with the same ACTION are overwritten by the latest extras, I would also call getBroadcast()
like this:
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent,