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How can I change the default Grails/GORM lookup?

I'm new to Grails. I'm developing a web app that handles the records of a gymnasium, to make routines, exercises, etc.

I have this domain class Ejercicios:

class Ejercicios {
    String nombreEjercicio
    String idHoja
    String descripcion
    List<String> descripcionO

    static hasMany = [descripcionO: Descripciones]

    static transients = ['descripcionTrans']
    String descripcionTrans

    static mapping = {
        id column: "idHoja"
        version false

    static constraints = {
        nombreEjercicio maxSize: 45
        idHoja blank: false

The database table has the default Grails id named "idHoja", and another attribute named "id_hoja"

The thing here is that when I make a JSON parse from the rest API, I need GORM to look for exercises via the "id_hoja" attribute, not the "idHoja" because it'll cause a mismatch.


  • I found the solution by myself! The only thing I needed to was to make the JSON call with the name "idHoja" and that was it.