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UseOAuthBearerTokens vs UseOAuthBearerAuthentication

In our Startup class, I have configured the following auth server options:

OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthServerOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions()
    AllowInsecureHttp = true,
    TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/v1/token"),
    AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
    Provider = new SimpleAuthorizationServerProvider()

After this, which option are we supposed to use to actually enable bearer authentication? There seem to be two variations on the Internet.

Option 1:

app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions());

Option 2:


I have tested them both and the results are the same.

What are the difference between these options? When are we supposed to use which?


  • The UseOAuthBearerTokens extension method creates both the token server and the middleware to validate tokens for requests in the same application.

    Pseudocode from source using reflector:

    UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(); // authorization server middleware
    UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(ApplicationOAuthBearerProvider); // application bearer token middleware           
    UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(ExternalOAuthBearerProvider); // external bearer token middleware