I have a very large table which I want to process row by row in PHP.
Here is what I have tried:
Loads all rows in memory immediately: out of memory error.
Paginating with PDO::fetchAll()
and LIMIT X, 1000
(i.e. splitting the large query in smaller ones)
I was surprised to see that the memory usage kept growing continuously until out of memory (at least until 1Gb). Why is the memory not released between queries?
I have no global variables, no class/object properties, the pagination is encapsulated in a method so the local variables (rows fetched from db) should be collected by the garbage collector once the current page has been processed… I also do not store the rows in memory, I write it to disk.
Also the bad thing with this technique is that it results in several queries instead of one, which are slow on the very large table.
with buffered queries
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true);
Finally the memory usage stays very low (~13Mb) but the process is very slow as each row means a network access to the MySQL server.
So my questions:
Or do you see another better solution?
Probably I don't understand your question... But, i created simple script that iterates all values from table with ~ 5,436,226
rows (and 19
columns), and save it into out file. I used PostgeSQL instead MySQL (but I do not think that this is a problem, you must change only LIMIT section).
ini_set('memory_limit', '100M');
$pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=test', 'postgres', 'postgres');
$page = 0;
while ($pdo) {
echo ($page++).PHP_EOL;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 100 OFFSET '.($page*100));
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
file_put_contents('/var/www/test/tmp/out.txt', json_encode($rows), FILE_APPEND);
Out file size is ~1 Gb.