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VRaptor4 @Named Components in velocity template

I have a vraptor4 project and i want to use apache velocity as the template engine.

So i specialized the as

public class VelocityPathResolver extends DefaultPathResolver {

    protected VelocityPathResolver(FormatResolver resolver) {

    protected String getPrefix() {
        return "/WEB-INF/vm/";

    protected String getExtension() {
        return "vm";

That work fine, but I cannot have @Named components in my templates.


public class MyComponent implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private String name = "My Component";

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

I cannot refer to it as ${} in my velocity template (.vm), but if i use .jsp it works fine.

To solve it i specialized the as

public class VelocityResult extends DefaultResult {

    private final MyComponent mycmp;

    public VelocityResult(HttpServletRequest request, Container container, ExceptionMapper exceptions, TypeNameExtractor extractor,
                      Messages messages, MyComponent mycmp) {

        super(request, container, exceptions, extractor, messages);
        this.mycmp = mycmp;

    public void init() {
        include("mycmp", mycmp);

Is there a better approach for having @Named components in velocity templates?


  • it looks like that CDI's @Named won't work with velocity templates, but you can implement an Interceptor to do this job for you. An example would be:

    public class IncluderInterceptor {
        @Inject private MyComponent mycmp;
        @AfterCall public void after() {
            result.include("mycmp", mycmp);
            // any other bean you want to

    And thinking in a more flexible solution, you could create an annotation and use it to define which bean should be included... something like that:

    public @interface Included {

    So you could add @Included at your classes:

    @Included public class MyComponent { ... }

    And just add the accept method on the IncluderInterceptor:

    public class IncluderInterceptor {
        @Inject @Any Instance<Object> allBeans;
        @AfterCall public void after() {
            // foreach allBeans, if has @Included, so
            // include bean.getClass().getSimpleName()
            // with first letter lower case, or something

    Sure, if you'll include just a few beans the first solution should be enought. Best regards