First Question/Post, Hopefully I've not duplicated this but have searched as many terms as I can think of. I'm sure this is going to be a "doh" moment, But here goes:
Using R I'm trying to read in several 100 .csv files, of two columns each, type and time elapsed, eg:
Col1 Col2
Type A 11:20:15
Type B 29:40:34
Type C 45:13:26
I'm trying to merge every file in the folder to produce a single DF with a sum of all the times, but I'm drawing a blank really appreciate any guidance to right functions to look at or solutions
Here's Where I'm at:
files = list.files(pattern="*.csv")
fileno <- length(files)
for (i in 1:fileno){
assign(files[i], read.csv(files[i]))
###Code to Read each "time" and Sum with current
# TotalDF <- Time Value from Current loaded CSV "Summed" to TotalDF
If I had two files:
Col1 Col2
Type A 11:20:15
Type B 29:40:34
Type C 45:13:26
Col1 Col2
Type A 5:00:00
Type B 3:00:00
Type C 8:00:00
Then TotalDF
would be:
Col1 Col2
Type A 16:20:15
Type B 32:40:34
Type C 53:13:26
You can load all of them into a list and use Reduce.
# define a vector with the file paths
nameFolder <- "data"
vectorFiles <- list.files(nameFolder, full.names = TRUE)
# load each file and change the name of the second column
listDf <- lapply(vectorFiles, function(fileName){
dfFile <- read.csv(fileName)
names(dfFile)[2] <- fileName
# merge the data frames on the column Col1
dfMerged <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = "Col1"), listDf)