Every time I’ve used fix :: (a -> a) -> a
, it’s been at the type
((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
for some a
and b
. Is there actually some application of fix
where its type parameter is not instantiated to a function type, other than a trivial thing like fix (const 0)
? What is the purpose of leaving the signature at its most general?
There are many examples of building corecursive data with fix
. I don't know enough to elaborate on the general theory, but it seems as though any data type that is like a stream, in that you can always output one more value given the stream so far, can be computed with fix
without feeding it a function type.
The simplest example (given in Cactus's answer) is a repeating stream of values, for example
x = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...]
This satisfies the equation
(1:) x = x
and can be produced by
>> fix (1:)
A slightly more complicated example is the natural numbers
n = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...]
which satisfy the equation
0 : map (+1) n = n
and can be produced by
>> fix ((0:) . map (+1))
The factorial numbers can be generated most easily if we look at the pair (n,f)
where f
is the n
th factorial number -
x = [(0,1), (1,1), (2,2), (3,6), (4,24), (5,120), ...]
which are fixed if we take the pair (n,f)
to (n+1, f*(n+1))
and then cons (0,1)
to the start of the list. So they can be generated by
>> fix $ \xs -> (0,1) : map (\(n,f) -> (n+1,f*(n+1))) xs
The fibonacci numbers can be generated similarly, as in user3237465's answer.
All three examples here are essentially recursive functions transformed into corecursive streams, i.e. they have some initial state s
and the values emitted by the stream are s
, f s
, f (f s)
etc for some function f
. The general method for doing this is the function iterate
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
which can be defined in terms of fix
iterate f x = x : map f (iterate f x)
= (x:) . (map f) $ iterate f x
= fix ((x:) . map f)
So any stream which repeatedly applies a function to some state can be written in terms of fix
(though, of course, you could simply use iterate
instead of fix
-- a particular case of the rule that fix
is not necessary in a language which allows recursive let expressions).
For an example that isn't a stream, consider binary trees with values at the branches -
data Tree a = Tip | Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
If we want a binary tree whose nodes are labelled in breadth first order, note that we could fix such a tree by taking two copies of itself, and incrementing all of the values in the left- and right-branches by the appropriate amount, as defined by the following function -
fun :: (Num a) => Tree a -> Tree a
fun t = Bin 1 (incr 1 t) (incr 2 t)
incr n (Bin a l r) = Bin (a+n) (incr m l) (incr m r)
m = 2 * n
Using a simple function takeLevels
to display just the initial portion of the tree, we then compute the fixed point as
>> takeLevels 3 $ fix fun
Bin 1 (Bin 2 (Bin 4 Tip Tip) (Bin 5 Tip Tip)) (Bin 3 (Bin 6 Tip Tip) (Bin 7 Tip Tip))
which is what we wanted.