I'm using Rails 3.2
Is there a special command to assign a protected attribute in a migration without modifying the model with a "attr_accessible" statement.
I do have an attribute "pub_convention_id" that must stay protected in production mode.
However, I need to update its value during a migration.
That's why I'm geting this "famous message" : Can't mass-assign protected attributes: pub_convention_id
So I'm asking : is there a special statement to temporary deactivate the mass assignement protection (in a block for example) ?
This is the concerned part of my migration file :
ProjEncaissementCofin.all.each do |proj_encaissement_cofin|
proj_encaissement_cofin.update_attributes! :pub_convention_id => 1
Thanks for your help
proj_encaissement_cofin.pub_convention_id = 1
proj_encaissement_cofin.assign_attributes({ pub_contention_id: 1 }, without_protection: true)