I'm trying to access videogular's controller.API from a different, sibling, controller.
I have read and used the examples from the videogular site and using the API like this:
controller.pauseVideo = function() {
This works fine, from WITHIN the videogular controller.
I would like to start and stop the video from a navigation controller. This controller is not a parent, but a sibling.
I have set up a $broadcast event in the nav:
myApp.controller('navController', function($scope) {
$scope.doPause = function() { // added ng-click="doPause();" to nav link
$scope.$parent.$broadcast('myCustomEvent', {
someProp: 'Pause!'
and in the videocontroller I have added a 'listener': (using similar controller set up as demo at http://www.videogular.com/tutorials/videogular-api/)
["$sce","$scope", function ($sce, $scope) {
var controller = this;
controller.API = null;
controller.onPlayerReady = function(API) {
controller.API = API;
... other config settings ...
$scope.$on('myCustomEvent', function (event, data) {
The event works, as the data sent is logged in the console when I click the button in the nav. But I also get the error:
Error: controller.API is null
Why is this not working from within $scope.$on?
Maybe you're losing the scope, try by using .bind():
controller.onMyCustomEvent = function (event, data) {
$scope.$on('myCustomEvent', controller.onMyCustomEvent.bind(controller));