I'm currently working on an electronics simulation software (something really basic) using Python and libTCOD (just to "render" the board). So, I've got a 78x47 2D list which stores the board information (cell type, id, state, coords...) and a simple algorithm to simulate wires (wireworld). Everything seems to be going fine, except for one thing: The "electrons" only move towards the left side of the wires. So I thought it may be something related to the way it runs the algorithm.
WireWorld wires have three possible states: Conductor, tail or head.
Here's how the simulation should go (H for head, t for tail, - for wire):
But this is what currently happens:
See? The electron head only moves towards the left side of the wires.
That's my current algorithm code:
def run(self):
for DX, DY in ((-1,-1), (-1,+0), (-1,+1), (+0,-1), (+0,+1), (+1,-1), (+1,+0), (+1,+1)):
if BOARD[self.Y+DY][self.X+DX].STATE == 2 and self.STATE == 0:
self.STATE = 2
return True
if self.STATE == 2:
self.STATE = 1
elif self.STATE == 1:
self.STATE = 0
And that's how I run the simulation steps:
for y in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
for x in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
Do I need to simulate each cell in an independent thread?
There's no need for multithreading, you just have to make sure that more than one '- -> H'-transitions are possible in each simulation step.
I've coded a minimal example starting from your code (but with slightly different class layout):
class Simul(object):
def __init__(self, width, height):
board_1 = [[None for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
board_2 = [[None for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
self.boards = [board_1, board_2]
self.current = 0
self.pretty = {None: ' ', 0: '-', 1: 't', 2: 'H'}
self.w = width
self.h = height
def print_board(self):
for row in self.boards[self.current]:
for cell in row:
print(self.pretty[cell], end='')
def run(self):
BOARD = self.boards[self.current]
other_board = self.boards[- self.current + 1]
for row in range(self.h):
for col in range(self.w):
cur_cell = BOARD[row][col]
set_h = False
for DX, DY in ((-1,-1), (-1,+0), (-1,+1), (+0,-1), (+0,+1), (+1,-1), (+1,+0), (+1,+1)):
if BOARD[row+DY][col+DX] == 2 and cur_cell == 0:
other_board[row][col] = 2
set_h = True
except IndexError:
if set_h:
if cur_cell == 2:
other_board[row][col] = 1
elif cur_cell == 1:
other_board[row][col] = 0
elif cur_cell == 0:
other_board[row][col] = 0
self.current = - self.current + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
simul = Simul(10, 5)
for col in range(10):
simul.boards[0][3][col] = 0
for row in range(3):
simul.boards[0][row][4] = 0
simul.boards[0][3][4] = 2