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Vagrant Installing Anaconda Python?

Anaconda python is installed (in linux) via a bash script. I am trying to use Vagrant provisioning to get Anacaonda Python installed.

In the bash script (following the documentation example) I have a script that:

  1. wget the install script
  2. chmod +x to make it executable
  3. ./<script>.sh to install.

Installing this way fails as the installation has a few prompts, one of which requires the non-default answer.

Is it possible to automate the installation via a bash script? If not, is it necessary to use something like Puppet? I do not know Puppet at all, so have tried to avoid using...perhaps it is time to dig in?

The end goal is to ship the Vagrantfile and not host a Vagrant box.

P.S. My initial, feeble attempts made use of the linux yes command, but a better way has to exist!


  • In your just include something like:
    cd /vagrant
    if [[ ! -f $miniconda ]]; then
        wget --quiet$miniconda
    chmod +x $miniconda
    ./$miniconda -b -p /opt/anaconda
    cat >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc << END
    # add for anaconda install

    The -b option runs in batch mode and is what you are looking for:

    >>>> ./ -h 
    usage: ./ [options]
    Installs Miniconda 3.7.0
        -b           run install in batch mode (without manual intervention),
                     it is expected the license terms are agreed upon
        -f           no error if install prefix already exists
        -h           print this help message and exit
        -p PREFIX    install prefix, defaults to /Users/phil/miniconda

    I also typically put Miniconda (or a link to it) directly in the "vagrant" where the is. That way, you are not downloading from the web during each vagrant up (after init or destroy).