I'm accepting a json from the network, in a service.
It notifies an RxBus of the event:
try {
String m = msg.getData().getString("message");
Log.i("handleMessage", m);
JSONObject message1 = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(m).nextValue();
if (_rxBus.hasObservers()) {
_rxBus.send(new Events.IncomingMsg(message1));
In the subscription side, how do I use that "message1" parameter which is the json i need to manipulate. How do I extract and use the json from the event:
public void onStart() {
subscriptions = new CompositeSubscription();
.add(bindActivity(this, rxBus.toObserverable())//
.subscribe(new Action1<Object>() {
public void call(Object event) {
if (event instanceof Events.IncomingMsg) {
You can filter it into a stream of JSONObject like so:
(Java 8 lambda style)
// I'm making a big assumption that getMessage() is a thing here.
.map((event) -> event.getMessage())
.subscribe((message) -> {
// Do thing with message here!
(Java 7 "classic" style)
// I'm making a big assumption that getMessage() is a thing here.
.map(new Func1<Events.IncomingMsg, JSONObject>() {
public JSONObject call(final Events.IncomingMsg event) {
return event.getMessage();
.subscribe(new Action1<JSONObject>() {
public void call(final JSONObject message) {
// Do something with message here.
(Java 7 "classic" style, filtering "location" string)
// I'm making a big assumption that getMessage() is a thing here.
.map(new Func1<Events.IncomingMsg, String>() {
public String call(final Events.IncomingMsg event) {
return event.getMessage().getString("location");
.subscribe(new Action1<String>() {
public void call(final String warehouse) {
// Do something with warehouse here.