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Can any one help me with these Database query

I wanted to get the result of this Cursor Database query in String or int values but couldn't. I know about coursor.getstring or getint but i am having probelm applying in the below case and query function. Below is the function with query.. I made my database java activity and this method was in it...

public Cursor getUpdatedAmount(){
String amountQuery="select sum(amount) from travelling_exp where call_id=1;";
Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawquery(amountQuery,null);
return cursor;

The Query is Working fine without any error. Basically i wanted the sum of amount column after deletion or changes to my database, save and show the sum value in a edittext. But the problem is i cannot convert cursor value to a value string or int.

this is how i implemented the above DB Query function in my other java file until now :

Cursor cursor = myDB.getUpdatedAmount();

The fucntion returns the sum amount for ex if values in amount column is 1000,2000,3000 then the above query will return the sum = 6000. so i want to save and show that 6000 in an ediitext. I tried using .toString and finding other methods to work but no luck. Can anybody help me with this one. Its quite important for me and my project.

Thanks in advance


  • It's really not that difficult, if you would test out getInt(0) you'd see that you've got your answer, but here it is

    Since you're selecting only the SUM then only 1 column and 1 row will be returned, that's why getInt(0) works.

    public String getUpdatedAmount(){
        String amountQuery="select sum(amount) from travelling_exp where call_id=1;";
        Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawquery(amountQuery,null);
            return "" + cursor.getInt(0);

    Notice: I've changed your function to return a String and not a Cursor

    So you can use it like this:
