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Simply display the values of UIInterpolatingMotionEffect?

Here's a puzzle, imagine a typical UIInterpolatingMotionEffect ,,,

UIInterpolatingMotionEffect *horizontalMotionEffect =
  [[UIInterpolatingMotionEffect alloc]
    initWithKeyPath:@" .. some property .."
horizontalMotionEffect.minimumRelativeValue = @(-50);
horizontalMotionEffect.maximumRelativeValue = @(50);
[someView addMotionEffect:horizontalMotionEffect];

Normally, you have to put in a property in line 3 there -- say, the center.x

But - what if I (very simply) want to see the value of the UIInterpolatingMotionEffect?

(Or I might use it for some other purpose, say.)

Do I actually have to subclass CALayer and make a new animatable property?!

It seems incredibly complicated to just access the value. The only trick I could think of was just make an invisible view, set it to the center, and access the value! Seems silly though.

Any ideas?


  • You can subclass UIInterpolatingMotionEffect and hook into the method -(NSDictionary *)keyPathsAndRelativeValuesForViewerOffset:(UIOffset)viewerOffset to log either viewerOffset to get the normalized values or look into the dictionary that the super implementation returns to get the interpolated values between your min and max.


    @interface UILogInterpolatingMotionEffect : UIInterpolatingMotionEffect


    @implementation UILogInterpolatingMotionEffect
    -(NSDictionary *)keyPathsAndRelativeValuesForViewerOffset:(UIOffset)viewerOffset
        NSDictionary *superDictionary = [super keyPathsAndRelativeValuesForViewerOffset:viewerOffset)];
        NSLog(@"%@, %@", NSStringFromUIOffset(viewerOffset), superDictionary);
        return superDictionary;

    PS: If you are only interested in the viewerOffset, you can even subclass UIMotionEffect. See also the UIMotionEffect class reference.