I have custom build menu which pushes or pops views. for example menu1 pushes a view. if menu2 is pressed the removes previous view and show other view. pushing and popping are animated. how to serially update/push/pop views with animation? it should no ignore any menu selection
i have used dispatch_queue_t
and NSOperationQueue
to no avail as if it ignores uiview animation. the self.uiOperationQueue
has 1 as max concurrent operation.
[self.uiOperationQueue addOperationWithBlock:^{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self updateViewsForSelection:menuType];
with dispatch queue:
self.uiUpdateQueue = dispatch_queue_create("ui-updateQueue", NULL);
dispatch_async(self.uiUpdateQueue, ^{
[self updateViewsForSelection:menuType];
so basically the [self updateViewsForSelection:menuType]
is called with different menu and uiview animation with duration. what am i doing wrong?
Its possible to add animation blocks
into an array and execute them one after another using the completion block
-(void)executeAnimationsInArray:(NSArray *)array atIndex:(int)index
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 animations:array[index] completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (index < array.count - 1)
[self executeAnimationsInArray:array atIndex:index+1];
It can be used like
id block1 = ^(void) {
imgView.frame = CGRectOffset(imgView.frame, 10, 10);
id block2 = ^(void) {
imgView.frame = CGRectOffset(imgView.frame, -10, -10);
[self executeAnimationsInArray:@[block1, block2] atIndex:0];