I want to use a protocol, how can we implement it in iPhone.
///In POCViewController.h
@protocol BasicAPI -(NSString*)hello; @end @interface HessianPOCViewController : UIViewController { idbasicAPI;
// In POCViewController.m // In Some method
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString@"http://www.caucho.com/hessian/test/basic"];
id proxy = (id)[CWHessianConnection proxyWithURL:url protocol:@protocol(basicAPI)];
NSLog(@"hello: %@", [proxy hello]);
Please help me how I can implement above code?
In the above code snippet - the @protocol block goes in your header file, underneath the @end declaration that's already there. Common use case is something like:
@interface MyClass
// properties, method definitions, etc
@protocol BasicAPI
Then in some method body in your implementation file, MyClass.m
-(void)myMethod {
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString@"http://www.caucho.com/hessian/test/basic"];
id proxy = (id)[CWHessianConnection proxyWithURL:url protocol:@protocol(basicAPI)];
NSLog(@"hello: %@", [proxy hello]);