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extract vertex from a R graph

I have the following problem.
A directed graph called tutti
I have a vector called tabellaerrori containing a vertex in each position
Now my problem is:
I want to create an array cointaining the list of vertex which are both in tutti graph and in errori vector.
I used the following code but it doesn't work:


It gives me back always the content of tabellaerrori What's wrong ?


  • For those who didn't suffer through the non-downloadable google plus image gallery, the actual line generating the error is:

    graph.neighborhood(tutti, vcount(tutti), risultato, "out")
    ## Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, nodes) : Invalid vertex names

    From the help - graph.neighborhood(graph, order, nodes=V(graph), mode=c("all", "out", "in")) is expecting nodes to be an actual igraph vertex sequence. You just need to make sure your intersected nodes are in that form.

    Here's what jbaums meant by a reproducible example (provided I've made the right assumptions from your screen captures):

    set.seed(1492) # makes this more reproducible
    # simulate your overall graph
    tutti <- graph.full(604, directed=TRUE)
    V(tutti)$name <- as.character(sample(5000, 604))
    # simulate your nodes
    tabellaerrori <- as.character(c(sample(V(tutti), 79), sample(6000:6500, 70)))
    names(tabellaerrori) <- as.numeric(tabellaerrori)
    # give a brief view of the overall data objects
    ## Vertex sequence:
    ## [1] "1389" "1081" "922"  "553"  "261"  "42"
    ## [1] 604
    ##   293   415   132   299   408   526 
    ## "293" "415" "132" "299" "408" "526"
    ## [1] 149
    # for your answer, find the intersection of the vertext *names*
    risultato <- as.character(intersect(tabellaerrori, V(tutti)$name))
    ## Vertex sequence:
    ## [1] "293" "132" "155" "261" "68"  "381" "217" "394" "581"
    # who are the ppl in your neighborhood
    graph.neighborhood(tutti, vcount(tutti), risultato, "out")
    ## [[1]]
    ## IGRAPH DN-- 604 364212 -- Full graph
    ## + attr: name (g/c), loops (g/l), name (v/c)
    ## [[2]]
    ## IGRAPH DN-- 604 364212 -- Full graph
    ## + attr: name (g/c), loops (g/l), name (v/c)
    ## ... (a few more)

    What you were really doing before (i.e. what intersect was doing under the covers) is:

    risultato <- as.character(intersect(tabellaerrori, as.character(V(tutti))))

    hence, your Invalid vertex names error.