From sourceforge I have downloaded some samples to help me in using Direct Show library.In the code he defined a constant(use it as address) to use it in SetNotifyWindow I don't understand why we refer to certain Message defined finally by us.
Constant (Message):
// Application-defined message to notify app of filtergraph events
public const int WM_GRAPHNOTIFY = 0x8000 + 1;
Media event property:
// provides method to retrieve the events
IMediaEventEx mediaEventEx;
function use this address:
//set the notify window
//(NB:hr-->hresult (com device error for more
int hr = mediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(ptr, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, IntPtr.Zero);
You are setting up the notification. You tell FGM what message to send back to you when you are supposed to jump in with some processing.
From MSDN on IMediaEventEx::SetNotifyWindow
When the window receives the message, it should call the
method to retrieve the event. Events are asynchronous, so the queue might contain several events (or none). Call GetEvent repeatedly, until it returns an error code.