Struts 2, 2.3.20 mentioned that
Support for accessing static methods from expression will be disabled soon, please consider re-factoring your application to avoid further problems!
We have used OGNL static calls in validators:
expression = "",
key = ""),
Also we used it in tags
<s:set var="test"
value="" />
Well, what is the best way to refactor above two usages ?!
In your code you are using a static method call. The best way is to create a method in the action class that wraps a static methods and use it in OGNL.
public class Wrapper {
public boolean isValidAmount(amount){
return foo.barr.isValidAmount(amount);
public Object sampleMethod(Object property1){
return foo.barr.sampleMethod(Object property1);
As soon as action bean is in the value stack you can use
expression = "isValidAmount(amount)",
key = ""),
or in JSP
<s:set var="test"
value="sampleMethod(#attr.sampleObject.property1)" />