I have a very long Xcode project it has many empty lines which make vey difficult for me to navigate through the project.Is there any short key to remove empty lines from selected code?
[inboxmessagesarray removeAllObjects];
[checkimageArray removeAllObjects];
NSMutableDictionary *callDict =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[callDict setObject:@"messages-getModuleMessages" forKey:@"call"];
[callDict setObject:FB_API_KEY forKey:@"accessSecret"];
NSString *x=[FBUserManager sharedUserManager].authToken;
[callDict setObject:x forKey:@"authToken"];
[callDict setObject:@"json" forKey:@"format"];
[callDict setObject:@"archived" forKey:@"callType"];
FBGenericWebHandler *handler = [[FBGenericWebHandler alloc] init];
handler.delegate = self;
[handler ArchivesMessages:callDict];
handler = nil;
[SVProgressHUD showWithStatus:@"Loading"];
You installed ClangFormat-Xcode plugin in your Xcode. remove Unnecessary space from code in your project.
Download : ClangFormat-Xcode
See Below :