I am currently fiddeling around with restangular and ui-router.
I do resolve a collection of items in my router which makes it available to the underlying controllers. I have a list of todos and i want to edit a todo. So i load a view where i can edit the item.
I get the model by $scope.todo = todos.get(id)
I make a change to it and then i do $scope.todo.save()
which updates the model on the server. But now i have the old item still in the collection of todos.
I want my collection to reflect the changes in the single item. I could delete the item from the collection and reinsert it afterwards, but this seems a little bit too complicated. Is there no easy way to update a model within a collection?
Update: Adding some Code
Note: The todos property gets resolved if the state is called.
If i edit a single todo i resolve it by
resolve : {
todo : function($stateParams, todos) {
return todos.get($stateParams.id);
I do some changes and then i call todo.save()
. No changes will happen on the collection this way. I tried to do a todos.patch(todo)
but that actually did a request to weird url and i guess it is intended to patch the whole collection (?)
I am sure there is a way to change a model within a collection, but i dont know how
After trying some stuff i ended up with replacing the item inside the collection. I created a little helper to lodash which i want to show here:
var replaceItemById = function(list, element) {
var index = _.indexOf(list, _.find(list, { id : element.id }));
list.splice(index, 1 , element);
return list;
_.mixin({'replaceItemById' : replaceItemById});
When i want to update a model inside a collection i do step by step:
Fetch the collection Get a single item from the collection and edit it Call save on the item
//The server returns the updated model
todo.save().then(function(editedTodo) {
_.replaceItemById(todos, editedTodo);
This way i do not need to fetch the collection again (even if in most cases this is what you would do) and it is up to date after updating a single item.