So I have an invoice and a credit memo, and the two are linked via a payment as per these instructions. All is good, the invoice is showing as paid and the customer's balance is correct.
If I open up the credit memo (Adjustment Note) in the GUI I am able to see at a glance the related payment at the right side of the screen:
Now, I am trying to read back this information from the QBO IPP API (v3). Querying for the adjustment note I get the following response. As you can see, there is nothing there to tell me about this linked payment:
<CreditMemo domain="QBO" sparse="false">
<CurrencyRef name="Australian Dollar">AUD</CurrencyRef>
<ItemRef name="IPP">10</ItemRef>
<SubTotalLineDetail />
<CustomerRef name="xxxxxx">99</CustomerRef>
If I read the payment I can learn about this adjustment note and the invoice from Line.LinkedTxn
If I read the invoice I can learn about the payment from LinkedTxn
But I need to find the payment given the adjustment note. As far as I can tell from the documentation, there is no way to query payments for their lines' contents. So, how do I find this payment given the credit memo, so I can learn what it is paying?
Credit Memo, Invoice and Payment all apply to same CustomerRef. Credit memo does not support the linked txn details yet, so as a workaround, you can try this- Get the Payment/s which have same customerref as creditmemo's customeref. Then loop through the payment/s to read the linked txn ids and match it against the credit memo id you have.
Not a great solution but since your use is not supported by the V3 api right now, you can try the above.