If I want to make sure that a device receives a message, over the network, for an app used by sellers in a shop for example.
I heard push notifications are not 100% reliable, sometimes some of the notifications don't arrive, or not on time.
The app could be in a shop, where the staff communicate with one another, and there could be 10 devices connected. (ipad, iphones)
edit 1: I heard about sockets, is it the right direction to go?
I am not sure why a socket should be used, rather than a webserver for example, I found these 2 sentences (source raywenderlich) :
Does it also mean : Sockets let 2 (or more) specific devices to connect one another in a private connection, compared to webservers where everybody could connect if there is no login/password?
EDIT 3 : Maybe a bluetooth solution with MultiPeerConnectivity would be better...
Sockets, and push notifications in general, are only as reliable as the network the user is connected to. If your looking to circumvent network reliability where a 100% success rate is guaranteed, in a Shop environment where users are in close proximity, you can look into GKSession as part of the GameKit.framework
Or you could look into Bonjour or client/service discovery protocols that makes the process of "knowing" peers in a network
I see you tagged Parse.com, again, the reliability of Push Notifications is highly dependent on the reachability, however, most issues that arise with Parse is dev-end related, not product related.
EDIT I forgot to mention MultiPeerConnectivity