I have the following workflow XML and Coordinator XML, both created through Hue Oozie Editor.
<workflow-app name="demo8" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4">
<start to="cds4"/>
<action name="cds4">
<mkdir path='${nameNode}/my/path/towritefile/${wf:conf(DATE)}'/>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
<kill name="kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
The Coordinator conf is below
<coordinator-app name="Demo4CoordinatorNew"
start="2015-01-18T18:15Z" end="2015-01-19T10:46Z" timezone="US/Pacific"
<value>${coord:formatTime(coord:nominalTime(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')}</value>
I have executed the Coordinator. The value that is passed for DATE parameter is blank. Do you see any issue?
In short, Im trying to create a folder in HDFS based on the Time at which the workflow is triggered.
I also tried
<mkdir path='${nameNode}/my/path/towritefile/${wf:conf("DATE")}'/>
When I do this, it gives an error.
In the workflow, replace ${wf:conf(DATE)}
by ${DATE}
that way it will be parameterized correctly.