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scipy ndimage measurement labeling is not working properly

I am trying to label this image into two regions: enter image description here

And here is my code:

from scipy.ndimage import measurements,morphology 
from PIL import Image
from numpy import *
im = array('two_leds.png').convert('L'))
im = 1*(im<200)
result = Image.fromarray((im * 255).astype(uint8))'results.png')
labels,  nbr_objects = measurements.label(im)
print 'number of objects equals: {}'.format(nbr_objects)  

Here is the filtered image "results.png" with low-pass filter enter image description here

My problem is the output that I am getting is 1 while I am expecting 2

>>> number of objects equals: 1

Is there something wrong with the labeling code itself. It seems to me pretty straightforward


  • I'm pretty sure you're counting the white pixels rather than the black pixels. Try inverting the image and then count.