I have a base .docx for which I need to change the page header / footer image on a case by case basis. I read that python-docx does not yet handle headers/footers but it does handle Pictures.
What I cannot work around is how to replace them.
I found the Pictures in the documents ._package.parts objects as ImagePart, I could even try to identify the image by its partname
What I could not find in any way is how to replace the image. I tried replacing the ImagePart ._blob and ._image attributes but it makes no difference after saving.
So, what would be the "good" way to replace one Image blob with another one using python-docx? (it is the only change I need to do).
Current code is:
d = Document(docx='basefile.docx')
parts = d._package
for p in parts:
if isinstance(p, docx.parts.image.ImagePart) and p.partname.find('image1.png'):
img = p
img._blob = open('newfile.png', 'r').read()
Thanks, marc
There is no requirement to use python-docx. I found another Python library for messing with docx files called "paradocx" altought it seems a bit abandoned it works for what I need.
python-docx would be preferable as the project seems more healthy so a solution based on it is still desired.
Anyway, here is the paradocx based solution:
from paradocx import Document
from paradocx.headerfooter import HeaderPart
template = 'template.docx'
newimg = open('new_file.png', 'r')
doc = Document.from_file(template)
header = doc.get_parts_by_class(HeaderPart).next()
img = header.related('http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image')[0]
img.data = newimg.read()