Each bundle of the extranet is a independent application. In my menu every app is listed and I like to mark the current one depending the actual route prefix.
First the twig code in the base.html.twig:
{{ knp_menu_render('AppBundle:Builder:mainMenu', { 'currentClass': 'active'}) }}
The builder function:
public function mainMenu(FactoryInterface $factory, array $options){
$main = $factory->createItem('root');
foreach($this->getExtranetBundles() as $bundle){
$main->addChild($bundle->getAcronym(), array('route' => $bundle->getRoute()));
// Current Element
$matcher = new Matcher();
$matcher->addVoter(new BundleVoter($this->getCurrentBundle()));
$renderer = new ListRenderer($matcher);
return $main;
My BundleVoter class works correct and returns true if the current menu is found. But in the HTML the current element never contains the "active" class.
I read myself a bit more in the KnpMenuBundle and added some debug code in the Knp\Menu\Matcher class:
public function addVoter(VoterInterface $voter)
echo "add voter: " . get_class($voter);
$this->voters[] = $voter;
And got this output:
add voter: AppBundle\Menu\BundleVoter
add voter: Knp\Menu\Matcher\Voter\RouteVoter
From where does the mysterious RouteVoter come from? Does it overwrite my BundleVoter selection of current elements? And how can I deactivate / overwrite it?
Found a way to change the standard knp_menu class. I edited the services.yml file to the follow:
knp_menu.voter.router.class: AppBundle\Menu\BundleVoter
class: AppBundle\Menu\BundleVoter
arguments: [@service_container]
- { name: knp_menu.voter }
The class is still instantiated two times, unfortunately I have to check if the passed parameter if its empty or not. And the $container param has to be optional...
class BundleVoter implements VoterInterface
private $container;
public function __construct($container = null)
if($container != null)
$this->container = $container;
public function matchItem(ItemInterface $item)
if($this->container != null){
$bundle = $this->container->get('menubundles')->getCurrentBundle();
if (null === $bundle || null === $item->getName()) {
return null;
if ($item->getName() == $bundle->getAcronym()) {
return true;
return null;
Please write if you found a better solution :-) Thx