I'm having issues getting my field to save using WordPresses setting API
I have 1 option page, with 1 section and 1 field. So it's pretty straight forward. Everything appearing/rendering fine, but I can't save the fields.
class LocalSEOAdmin {
var $slug = 'local_seo_settings';
var $name = "Local SEO";
public function __construct(){
// When WP calls admin_menu, call $this->admin_settings
if ( is_admin() ) {
add_action('admin_menu', array( &$this, 'add_options_page' ) ); // on admin_menu call $this->init_admin_menu
add_action( 'admin_init', array( &$this, 'add_setting_fields' ) );
public function add_options_page(){
$this->name, // Page title
$this->name, // Menu Title
'manage_options', // Role
$this->slug, // Menu slug
array( &$this, 'local_seo_admin_menu_callback' ) // Callback to render the option page
public function local_seo_admin_menu_callback(){
<div class='wrap'>
<h1><?php echo $this->name ?> Options</h1>
<form method='post' action='options.php'>
settings_fields( 'address_settings_section' );
do_settings_sections( $this->slug );
public function add_setting_fields(){
'address_settings_section', // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options
'Address Options', // Title to be displayed on the administration page
array( &$this, '_render_address_options'), // Callback used to render the description of the section
$this->slug // Page on which to add this section of options
'address_line_1', // ID used to identify the field throughout the theme
'Address Line 1', // The label to the left of the option interface element
array( &$this, '_render_address_line_1'), // The name of the function responsible for rendering the option interface
$this->slug, // The page on which this option will be displayed
'address_settings_section', // The name of the section to which this field belongs
array( // The array of arguments to pass to the callback. In this case, just a description.
__( 'Activate this setting to display the header.', 'sandbox' ),
public function _render_address_options(){
echo '<p>Add you address</p>';
public function _render_address_line_1(){
$option = get_option( 'address_line_1' );
$html = '<input type="text" id="address_line_1" name="address_line_1" value="' . $option . '" />';
echo $html;
new LocalSEOAdmin;
I'm not sure what's going on, but I feel I've mixed up the required fields someone. The fields are showing in WordPress and when I hit update the "setting saved." messages comes up, but nothing gets saved.
there is just a little problem when you register your setting.
base on register_setting, the second parameter, is $option_name so you must put send name of you inputs
and now it's worked.
you can find more about creating options pages in wordpress site.