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How do I exclude specific databases from being added to my array?

I want to exclude specific database from showing up, but the items that I excluded still show up upon running the program. There is no compilation error.

    private ComboBox cb;
    private Label label;
    private object[] databases;

    public MForm() {

       string connectionString =
          "Server=localhost;" +
          "Database=information_schema;" +
          "User ID=root;" +
          "Password=root;" +
       IDbConnection dbcon;
       dbcon = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
       IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();

        string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA"; //count the databases(string) and names it count
        dbcmd.CommandText = sql;                        //sends the string to sql
        IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();     //assign the function to reader
        reader.Read();                                  //uses its getter(Read)
        int count = Convert.ToInt32(reader["count"]);   //converts the "count"(column) to integer

        reader = null;
        dbcmd = null;

        databases = new object[count];

        dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();
        sql = "show databases";
        dbcmd.CommandText = sql;
        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        int i = 0;
        while(reader.Read()) {
            if((string) databases[i] != "information_schema" &&(string)databases[i] != "sakila" && (string)databases[i] != "enrollmentsystem" && (string)databases[i] != "mysql" &&
            (string)databases[i] != "world" && (string)databases[i] != "performance_schema"){
            databases[i] = (string) reader["Database"];

       reader = null;
       dbcmd = null;
       dbcon = null;

        Text = "School Year";
        Size = new Size(340, 240);

        cb = new ComboBox();
        cb.Parent = this;
        cb.Location = new Point(50, 30);


        cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(OnChanged);

        label = new Label();
        label.Location = new Point(80, 170);
        label.Parent = this;
        label.Text = "...";



    void OnChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
         ComboBox combo = (ComboBox) sender;
         label.Text = combo.Text;

class MApplication {
    public static void Main() {
        Application.Run(new MForm());


  • Your logic is incorrect. I'm assuming these are all table names that you do not want to add to your array.

    • Say you want to exclude "information_schema". That name doesn't equal "sakila", so the name will be added to your array.
    • Also, since you just defined the databases array before this, and all the elements in it are empty (or null?), none of these conditions will be met.

    Change all the || to &&, and compare them to the data returned in your reader:

    while (reader.Read())
        var database = reader["Database"].ToString();
        if ((database != "information_schema" && database != "sakila" &&
             database != "enrollmentsystem" && database != "mysql" &&
             database != "world" && database != "performance_schema")
            databases[i] = database;

    I think some LINQ, and using a List<string>, would make this easier to read. It would also eliminate the need for the first query that gets the count used to allocate space in your array.

    var databases = new List<string>();
    var excludedDatabases =
        new List<string> { "information_schema", "sakila", "enrollmentsystem",
                           "mysql", "world", "performance_schema" };
    while (reader.Read())
        var database = reader["Database"].ToString();
        if (!excludedDatabases.Contains(database))