graphics32 is a very nice library, but I am having trouble figuring out how to use it properly. For instance LAYERS, they are an awesome feature.
I can add layers to an ImageView, select them, move them around, resize them, but, if I want to delete them I have no idea how to do it.
Also the layer is selected but I cannot capture any key events on them. I mean I would like to move the layer by a pixel using the arrows on the keyboard, but I cant.
Does anybody know how to solve these problems?
Please help Thank you
The key to capturing the arrow keys is to allow this. For this you need to adjust a public (but not published) property of the underlying TCustomPaintBox32 class.
Something like
ImgView.Options := ImgView.Options + [pboWantArrowKeys];
should allow the TImgView32 class (named ImgView here) to capture arrow keys.
Once enabled you can write a keyboard handler like:
procedure TMainForm.ImgViewKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
Location: TFloatRect;
if Assigned(FSelection) then
case Key of
FSelection.Location := OffsetRect(FSelection.Location, -1, 0);
where OffsetRect adjusts the TFloatRect by adding the deltas (2nd and 3rd argument) to Left/Right and Top/Bottom.
In the above example FSelection is the currently selected layer. It has been stored after selecting the layer (with a mouse click). In addition you may also need to adjust the rubberband location as well, in case you are using a TRubberBandLayer as selector.
Implementation of OffsetRect:
function OffsetRect(const Rct: TFloatRect; const DeltaX, DeltaY: TFloat): TFloatRect;
Result.TopLeft := OffsetPoint(Rct.TopLeft, DeltaX, DeltaY);
Result.BottomRight := OffsetPoint(Rct.BottomRight, DeltaX, DeltaY);
alternatively you can directly use code like this:
procedure TMainForm.ImgViewKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
Location: TFloatRect;
if Assigned(FSelection) then
case Key of
FSelection.Location := FloatRect(FSelection.Location.Left - 1, FSelection.Location.Top, FSelection.Location.Right - 1, FSelection.Location.Bottom);
but that looks a bit ugly.
Addendum 2:
For older versions of the library (e.g. 1.9.x) the OffsetPoint function might be missing as well. This is implemented as:
function OffsetPoint(const Pt: TFloatPoint; DeltaX, DeltaY: TFloat): TFloatPoint;
Result.X := Pt.X + DeltaX;
Result.Y := Pt.Y + DeltaY;