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How to transfer a project from ClearCase to TFS?

Excuse me for the novice question :blush:

How do I detach a project from ClearCase in order to add it to a TFS source control system?


  • I know it's silly but here's what I needed to do -

    1. Open each of the csproj files
    2. For each one, remove the xml nodes starting "Scc" (like SccProjectName, SccAuxPath, SccProvider etc) it seems they were the ones bothering the Visual Studio.
    3. Reload the projects and add them to desired TFS workspace

    Additional Steps that may need to be done:

    • Open the .sln with a texteditor and delete the entire section about source control.
    • In Visual Studio go to Extras -> Options... -> Sourcecontrol and change the plug in to TFS