I have two methods that I am using. When a user creates an account I call this method to make a secure password hash for them to save into the database:
public function createPassword($password){
$salt = hash("sha256", time() . uniqid() . rand(1, 1000));
return crypt($password, $salt);
It returns a salt which I then save into the database in the password column.
Next when a user logs into his/her account I select their info from the database and pass it to this function which then is supposed to verify their password.
public function verifyPassword($password, $salt){
if(crypt($password, $salt) == $salt){
return true;
return false;
The issue is that I have found a password that if I put the correct password in it works, but if I add extra characters to the end of the password it still works. This shouldn't happen. am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in php?
For security I am not using the real password below
// Create during registration
$salt = $obj->createPassword('abc123');
// Save to database here
// Get row from database save array $row
if($obj->verifyPassword($_POST["passwd"], $row["password"])){
// Log user in
Here are my tests:
abc123 // Works
abc12 // doesn't work
abc12jfjf // doesn't work
abc123123 // Works
abc123asdfadffa // Works
So, it looks as if as long as the string starts with the real password anything after is fine...
This may depend on the encryption method you are using. In your example, is the actually password you are using 8 characters?
If so, then any characters past the 8th are truncated.
To avoid this behavior, use MD5 encryption.