I'm trying to remove two character from the string
This is what you have
substr ($string, 5, 2) = "";
The two characters are getting removed, but one extra space is left behind. I obtain
This what you have
but I desire to get
This what you have
Can anyone help me to get rid of that space?
A string, like an array, starts at position 0:
say '012345679';
my $str = "This is what you have";
say $str;
This is what you have
To remove 'is' and the space preceding 'is', you need to remove positions 4, 5, 6:
This is what you have
...which you can do like this:
say '012345679';
my $str = "This is what you have";
say $str;
substr($str, 4, 3) = "";
say $str;
This is what you have
This what you have
Alternatively, you can remove 'is' and the space after 'is' by removing positions 5, 6, 7:
This is what you have
...like this:
say '012345679';
my $str = "This is what you have";
say $str;
substr($str, 5, 3) = "";
say $str;
This is what you have
This what you have
However, in perl most people use s///
(the substitution operator) for making substitutions:
s/find me/replace with me/
So, you can do this:
my $str = "This is what you have";
say $str;
$str =~ s/\bis\b //; # \b means 'word boundary'
say $str;
This is what you have
This what you have
perl programmers are lazy, and counting positions is too hard. You do need to know regexes for most situations.
If you want to remove all occurrences of 'is ' in a string, then you can add the 'g' (global) flag:
my $str = "This is what you have, but his hat is black isn't it?";
say $str;
$str =~ s/\bis\b //g;
say $str;
This is what you have, but his hat is black isn't it?
This what you have, but his hat black isn't it?
^ ^ ^
| | |
skips 'is' embedded in other words