I have a child presenter (added to the parent in a slot) that fires an event through the eventBus
(on a condition) when onBind()
is called :
class ChildPresenter extends PresenterWidget<?> {
void onBind() {
instance = initMyInstance();
if (instance == null) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new MyEvent());
On the parent, i handle the event in the onBind()
method like this :
class ParentPresenter extends Presenter<..>{
void onBind() {
eventBus.addHandler(MyEvent.TYPE, new MyEventHandler() {...} );
I tried also this in the parent: addRegisteredHandler(LoggedOutEvent.TYPE, this)
and addVisibleHandler(...)
too, where i implement the MyEventHandler
interface in the parent presenter but it does not handle the fired event.
Am i doing it wrong? I noticed also when i move the handling process to the onReveal()
method of my parent presenter, it worked but twice!!
Most likely you have a timing issue. Make sure that addHandler() in the parent is called before fire in the child, and also I think it should happened in a separate browser event. Try this to see if it helps:
class ChildPresenter extends PresenterWidget<?> {
void onBind() {
instance = initMyInstance();
if (instance == null) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
eventBus.fireEvent(new MyEvent());