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How to use options in QFileDialog.getOpenFileName?

I would like to use options in the static method QFileDialog.getOpenFileName.

For example i would like to set two options: QFileDialog.ExistingFile and QFileDialog.Detail.

I have already read this text: but i don't understand how i can use PySide.QtGui.QFileDialog.Options?

dir = self.sourceDir
filters = "Text files (*.txt);;Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"
selected_filter = "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"
options = "" # ???
fileObj = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, " File dialog ", dir, filters, selected_filter, options)

If i use

    options  = QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly
    options |= QFileDialog.List

it does not work.

(Windows 7 64 Bit, PyCharm 3.4.1 Pro, Python 3.4.0, PySide 1.2.2)

enter image description here


  • You cannot do this if you are using the static functions with a native file-dialog.

    The native file-dialogs do not have the same API as the Qt file-dialog, so you can only set the properties that are available via the static function arguments - which means the caption, title, working-directory, filters, and options.

    The static functions more or less match the various file modes:

    AnyFile = getSaveFileName
    ExistingFile = getOpenFileName
    Directory = getExistingDirectory
    ExistingFiles = getOpenFileNames

    When using the static functions, the ShowDirsOnly option will only work with getExistingDirectory. But on Windows, that will open the native "Browse For Folder" dialog (unless you set the DontUseNativeDialog option), and so the ShowDirsOnly option would be redundant.

    There is currently no way to set the ViewMode for a native-dialog when using the static functions, and the same goes for all the other APIs that are specific to QFileDialog.

    Long-story short: if you want more control over the file-dialog, use the built-in Qt one - that's what it's there for.