I'm using RAII to manage resources in my code by making use of std::unique_ptr
with custom deleters. So far this has been relatively trivial, but I now want to add an RAII-wrapper for a resource which requires access to an existing managed resource as part of its cleanup functor.
To break it down, I have one class which has an RAII-managed resource and can acquire additional resources which depend on it:
struct CloseHandleFunctor
typedef HANDLE pointer;
void operator()(const HANDLE h)
using AutoHandle = std::unique_ptr<HANDLE, CloseHandleFunctor>;
class Helper
// acquires a resource associated with h_
Resource get_resource();
// releases the resource acquired by get_resource()
void release_resource(const Resource res);
// ...
AutoHandle h_;
I want to wrap the Resource
returned by Helper::get_resource()
, but can't work out how to use std::unique_ptr
to provide access to the instance of the Helper
class within the functor:
struct ReleaseResourceFunctor
typedef Resource pointer;
void operator()(Helper h, const Resource r)
using AutoResource = std::unique_ptr<Resource, ReleaseResourceFunctor>;
// no way to pass the instance of Helper ~~~^
This is how I would like to use it:
int main()
Helper h;
AutoResource res(h.get_resource());
// h.release_resource() gets called
As suggested by Joachim and Casey, I can get it working by storing a pointer to the instance of the Helper
class in the functor:
struct ReleaseResourceFunctor
typedef Resource pointer;
Helper *helper_;
: helper_(nullptr)
void setHelper(Helper * const h)
helper_ = h;
void operator()(const Resource r)
if (helper_ != nullptr)
...and then by assigning the helper instance after constructing the std::unique_ptr
int main()
Helper h;
AutoResource res(h.get_resource());
// h.release_resource() gets called as expected
It seems a little fragile (remembering to assign the helper instance each time), but it does work as expected.