How can I use SASS instead of LESS in a new Laravel 5 installation?
A couple of weeks ago SASS was the chosen pre-processor but since then, Taylor has changed Laravel to use LESS out the box. Laravel Elixir / Gulp still has support for compiling SASS but I am not sure how to get the SASS files into my project in the first place.
If anyone has any ideas of the steps, please holla.
More example how to
elixir(function(mix) {
By default, larvel 5 store all assets in vendor/bower_components
And if you want use for example angular.js, which stored in
You publish them to your public folder.
elixir(function(mix) {
publish('angular/angular.js', 'public/js/angular/angular.js';
I think, the same logic will work and for sass files.
Or, you can try, via
var paths = {
'bootstrap': './vendor/bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/assets/'
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.sass("style.scss", 'public/css/', {includePaths: [paths.bootstrap + 'stylesheets/']})