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Grails 'grails-rest-client-builder' plugin with PATCH request method

I'm using grails2.4.4 and grails-rest-client-builder: 2.0.0 plugin. I need to invoke a REST URL which accepts request method, PATCH. But i'm not able to do with this plugin: I'm using below code:

def rest = new RestBuilder()
def resp = rest.patch("$URL") {
    header 'Authorization', "Bearer $accessToken"

I'm getting below error:

Invalid HTTP method: PATCH. Stacktrace follows:
 Message: Invalid HTTP method: PATCH
 Line | Method
  440 | setRequestMethod    in
  307 | invokeRestTemplate  in
  280 | doRequestInternal . in     ''

Can anyone please help me out?


  • Ok. Finally made it after several trial and errors. As default doesn't support custom request method like PATCH, i'm getting that error. So i need to go for some thirdparty libraries like commons-httpclient which supports such request methods. So i injected commons-httpclient(now it is named as apache-httpcomponents) to make it work with PATCH request method.

    Below are the changes i did to make it work:

    First add dependency in grails BuildConfig.groovy

    runtime "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.3.6"


    If you want to go by manual object creation:

    RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate()
    restTemplate.setRequestFactory(new  HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory());
    def rest=new RestBuilder(restTemplate)
    def resp = rest.patch("$URL"){
            header 'Authorization', "Bearer $accessToken"


    Using Grails-Spring Injection:

    Add below configuration in resources.groovy

    import org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory
    import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate
       httpClientFactory (HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory)
       restTemplate (RestTemplate,ref('httpClientFactory'))

    Inject restBuilder in your class:

    class MyRestClient{
       def restBuilder
       def doPatchRequest(){
       def resp=restBuilder.patch("$API_PATH/presentation/publish?id=$presentationId"){
                header 'Authorization', "Bearer $accessToken"
        //do anything with the response

    Hope this helps someone.