I'm currently experiencing an error with my program.
My program has two rectangles, each of them surrounded by a groupbox.
Currently I'm trying two place text in each of them.
I've already got text in the first rectangle - fine (with DrawText()
If I'm trying to display text in the second rectangle (also with DrawText()
), the text is not displaying.
Here's the code I'm using:
hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
SelectObject(hdc, font);
DrawText(hdc, lpcwstr, wcslen(lpcwstr), &rect, DT_LEFT);
DrawText(hdc, lpcwstr, wcslen(lpcwstr), &rect_2, DT_LEFT);
EndPaint(FindWindow(NULL, L"Statistik (seit dem 01.01.2015)"), &ps);
Unfortunately I have no idea why the text is not displaying as expected.
Does anybody of you have a suggestion why this doesn't work?
I was able to figure out what the problem was.
Not visible in the snippet, I posted initially, but the coordinates I set for the rectangles, were wrong.
Sadly I were not aware that all values are coordinates.