I need to map (PostgreSQL) a materialized view to @Entity
, using Hibernate. If is hbm2ddl
configured to update
value, Hibernate always tries to create new SQL table. That only happens if the view is materialized, otherwise (with non-materialized views) it works without problems.
Mapped entity
@Cache (usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY)
@Table(name = "quasar_evaludated_function")
public class EvaluatedAuditor {
private long id;
private boolean qsAuditor;
// getter setters ...
CREATE materialized VIEW quasar_evaludated_function
AS SELECT a.id AS id,
(SELECT Count(code)
FROM quasar_qs_auditor_code code
WHERE code.auditor_id = a.id
AND code.is_granted = TRUE) > 0 AS is_qs_auditor
FROM quasar_auditor a;
ERROR 2015-01-14 21:16:17 SchemaUpdate:execute(line 261) - HHH000388: Unsuccessful: create table quasar_evaludated_function (id int8 not null, is_clinical_expert boolean, is_product_assessor_a boolean, is_product_assessor_r boolean, is_product_specialist boolean, is_qs_auditor boolean, is_responsible_clinician boolean, is_technical_expert boolean, primary key (id))
ERROR 2015-01-14 21:16:17 SchemaUpdate:execute(line 262) - ERROR: relation "quasar_evaludated_function" already exists
If is the hbm2ddl
option configured to validate
is thrown an Exception.
Thank you for help.
It's not nice solution, but it works. I've just created a new view, which is referencing to a materialized view. If you don't need automatic schema generation, you should see Vlad Mihalcea's solution.
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW quasar_evaludated_function_mv AS select
a.id as id,
(select count(f) from quasar_qs_auditor_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_qs_auditor,
(select count(f) from quasar_product_assessor_a_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_product_assessor_a,
(select count(f) from quasar_product_assessor_r_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_product_assessor_r,
(select count(f) from quasar_product_specialist_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_product_specialist,
(select count(f) from quasar_technical_expert_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_technical_expert,
(select count(f) from quasar_clinical_expert_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_clinical_expert,
(select count(f) from quasar_responsible_clinician_code f where f.auditor_id = a.id and f.is_granted = true) > 0 as is_responsible_clinician
from quasar_auditor a;
CREATE VIEW quasar_evaludated_function AS SELECT mv.* from quasar_evaludated_function_mv mv;