I want git to never have a conflict on this file:
when merging.
I tried the following in .gitattributes
test/file.txt merge=theirs
but I need to define the theirs
merge strategy. I saw online that I can define the ours
strategy by executing this:
git config --global merge.theirs.driver true
which sets the driver to true (bash true) which will keep the local file instead of the new one.
I want to do the opposite. How can I define the theirs
driver to get the new copy and discard the local one when merging (after a git pull)?
How can I define the theirs driver to get the new copy and discard the local one when merging (after a
git pull
As I mentioned in "How do I tell git to always select my local version for conflicted merges on a specific file?", you would need to call a script like:
git config merge.keepTheir.name "always keep their during merge"
git config merge.keepTheir.driver "keepTheir.sh %O %A %B"
With keepTheir.sh
(put anywhere in your PATH
cp -f $3 $2
exit 0
Or, as jthill suggests below in the comments, directly:
git config merge.keepTheir.driver "cp -f %B %A"
Plus, as noted by Tal Jacob - Sir Jacques in the comments:
after you have configured the '
' driver in theconfig
file, you should navigate to your.gitattributes
file and add the line:test/file.txt merge=keepTheir