I'm using QuickBlox API 2.0. To be notified about Private Chat dialogs I can use:
QBPrivateChatManager qBPrivateChatManager = QBChatService.getInstance().getPrivateChatManager();
qBPrivateChatManager.addPrivateChatManagerListener(new QBPrivateChatManagerListener() {
public void chatCreated(QBPrivateChat chat, boolean arg1) {
// handle chat message here
But QBGroupChatManager there is no similar listener. So I can't notify the user if somebody put him in a Group.
I would like a easy way (like private chat) to be notified about movements in chat group dialogs. Is it possible?
Below there is a link to a similar issue: QuickBlox 2.0 Chat dialog - how to detect an user join or leave group chat dialog?
Here is how it should be done http://quickblox.com/developers/Android_XMPP_Chat_Sample#Create_new_group_chat_dialog