I want to set up test database for Flask-Testing class, so tests do not affect my main database. I need test database being created each time I run my unittests testcase How can I do this?
I use Flask-Testing, Flask-SQLAlchemy, psycopg2
Privilegies to create database properly granted. So now I just have to figure out how perform this.
Please advice how can I do this?
Use different setting for production and testing purpose.
How to create flask app this way - http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/appfactories/#app-factories
Create base_setting.py for base settings, production_setting.py and testing_setting.py with diffrerent db settings and create app from one of them. - http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/config/#configuring-from-files
for example:
app = Flask(__name__)
Don't forget to set YOURAPPLICATION_SETTINGS env