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User permission to pair with Bluetooth device

I was reading "Performing Common Central Role Tasks" and it has info on how to discover peripheral and how to connect to peripheral, but I cant seem to find how to check if user selected Cancel or Pair on the popup because the popup comes when I call [myCentralManager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:nil];. I want not to connect to (or to disconnect from) peripheral if user clicks Cancel on the Pair popup. Can I call the Pairing popup some other way?


  • The pairing process is initiated by attempting to read/write/notify on a characteristic that requires encryption.

    If the pairing process completes then the appropriate CBPeripheralDelegate method (e.g. didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:) will be called with a nil error.

    If the pairing process fails or is cancelled then the CBPeripheralDelegate method will be called with an NSError object that indicates that 'Encryption is insufficient' - CBATTErrorInsufficientEncryption.

    If you get the insufficient encryption error you can either disconnect from the peripheral or retry the operation, which will display the pairing dialog again. I would suggest you retry a few times, say 3, in case the user made an error entering the PIN.