I have implemented a token input field in my Rails 3 app. Here is the relevant code:
<%= label_tag :tag_tokens, 'Tags' %>
<%= text_field_tag 'tag_tokens', "data-pre" => params[:tag_tokens] %>
$(function() {
$("#tag_tokens").tokenInput("/data/tags.json", {
crossDomain: false,
prePopulate: $("#tag_tokens").data("pre"),
theme: "facebook"
This is a search page that returns results. The token input along with the values returned work wonderfully. The issue I am having is getting the values to remain/load in the text box after the page is submitted. The "data-pre" => params[:tag_tokens]
code in the text_field_tag should handle this but no worky! Any help appreciated.
I found my issue was I am using text_field_tag
(not text_field) there for I needed to pass data-pre as the 3rd parameter (not the 2nd). Here is all my code for posterity.
<%= label_tag :tag_tokens, 'Tags' %>
<%= text_field_tag 'tag_tokens', nil, "data-pre" => @tag_token_names.to_json %>
$(function() {
$("#tag_tokens").tokenInput("/data/tags.json", {
crossDomain: false,
prePopulate: $("#tag_tokens").data("pre"),
theme: "facebook"
match "/tags" => "data#tags", :as => 'tag_token_search'
def tags
@tags = Tag.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => @tags.map(&:attributes) }