I have a QString with some HTML in it... is there an easy way to strip the HTML from it? I basically want just the actual text content.
<i>Test:</i><img src="blah.png" /><br> A test case
Would become:
Test: A test case
I'm curious to know if Qt has a string function or utility for this.
You may try to iterate through the string using QXmlStreamReader class and extract all text (if you HTML string is guarantied to be well formed XML).
Something like this:
QXmlStreamReader xml(htmlString);
QString textString;
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
if ( xml.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::Characters ) {
textString += xml.text();
but I'm unsure that its 100% valid ussage of QXmlStreamReader API since I've used it quite longe time ago and may forget something.