I just created two routes that work just fine, but I'm getting an odd error in the console that I would like to fix.
Exception in callback of async function: TypeError: object is not a function at OnBeforeActions.loginRequired (http://localhost:3000/client/router/config.js?8cea1a53d7ab131377c2c4f91d534123cba79b70:12:20)
This error shows up every time I visit the same page.
This is my config.js file:
layoutTemplate: "uMain"
var OnBeforeActions = {
loginRequired: function (pause) {
"use strict";
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
return pause();
} else {
Router.onBeforeAction(OnBeforeActions.loginRequired, {
except: ["uLogin"]
The idea is to redirected all user who are not logged in to "uLogin". It works (or I haven't found any bugs so far).
What am I doing wrong?
You can see the line where you have the error in developers console when you click on link http://localhost:3000/client/router/config.js?8cea1a53d7ab131377c2c4f91d534123cba79b70:12:20 in your console.
Your problem is that new Iron Router does not use pause() anymore. Remove pause from your onBeforeAction.
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