Search code examples

Dynamic prefix sum

Is there any data structure which is able to return the prefix sum [1] of array, update an element, and insert/remove elements to the array, all in O(log n)?

[1] "prefix sum" is the sum of all elements from the first one up to given index

For example, given the array of non-negative integers 8 1 10 7 the prefix sum for first three elements is 19 (8 + 1 + 10). Updating the first element to 7, inserting 3 as the second element and removing the third one gives 7 3 10 7. Again, the prefix sum of first three elements would be 20.

For prefix sum and update, there is Fenwick tree. But I don't know how to handle the addition/removal in O(log n) with it.

On the other hand, there are several binary search trees such as Red-black tree, all of which handle the update/insert/remove in logarithmic time. But I don't know how to maintain the given ordering and do the prefix sum in O(log n).


  • A treap with implicit keys can perform all this operations in O(log n) time per query. The idea of implicit keys is pretty simple: we do not store any keys in nodes. Instead, we maintain subtrees' sizes for all nodes and find an appropriate position when we add or remove an element using this information.

    Here is my implementation:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    struct Node {
      int priority;
      int val;
      long long sum;
      int size;
      std::shared_ptr<Node> left;
      std::shared_ptr<Node> right;
      Node(long val): 
        priority(rand()), val(val), sum(val), size(1), left(), right() {}
    // Returns the size of a node owned by t if it is not empty and 0 otherwise.
    int getSize(std::shared_ptr<Node> t) {
      if (!t)
        return 0;
      return t->size;
    // Returns the sum of a node owned by t if it is not empty and 0 otherwise.
    long long getSum(std::shared_ptr<Node> t) {
      if (!t)
        return 0;
      return t->sum;
    // Updates a node owned by t if it is not empty.
    void update(std::shared_ptr<Node> t) {
      if (t) {
        t->size = 1 + getSize(t->left) + getSize(t->right);
        t->sum = t->val + getSum(t->left) + getSum(t->right);
    // Merges the nodes owned by L and R and returns the result.
    std::shared_ptr<Node> merge(std::shared_ptr<Node> L, 
        std::shared_ptr<Node> R) {
      if (!L || !R)
        return L ? L : R;
      if (L->priority > R->priority) {
        L->right = merge(L->right, R);
        return L;
      } else {
        R->left = merge(L, R->left);
        return R;
    // Splits a subtree rooted in t by pos. 
    std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, std::shared_ptr<Node>> split(
        std::shared_ptr<Node> t,
        int pos, int add) {
      if (!t)
        return make_pair(std::shared_ptr<Node>(), std::shared_ptr<Node>());
      int cur = getSize(t->left) + add;
      std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, std::shared_ptr<Node>> res;
      if (pos <= cur) {
        auto ret = split(t->left, pos, add);
        t->left = ret.second;
        res = make_pair(ret.first, t); 
      } else {
        auto ret = split(t->right, pos, cur + 1);
        t->right = ret.first;
        res = make_pair(t, ret.second); 
      return res;
    // Returns a prefix sum of [0 ... pos]
    long long getPrefixSum(std::shared_ptr<Node>& root, int pos) {
      auto parts = split(root, pos + 1, 0);
      long long res = getSum(parts.first);
      root = merge(parts.first, parts.second);
      return res;
    // Adds a new element at a position pos with a value newValue.
    // Indices are zero-based.
    void addElement(std::shared_ptr<Node>& root, int pos, int newValue) {
      auto parts = split(root, pos, 0);
      std::shared_ptr<Node> newNode = std::make_shared<Node>(newValue);
      auto temp = merge(parts.first, newNode);
      root = merge(temp, parts.second);
    // Removes an element at the given position pos.
    // Indices are zero-based.
    void removeElement(std::shared_ptr<Node>& root, int pos) {
      auto parts1 = split(root, pos, 0);
      auto parts2 = split(parts1.second, 1, 0);
      root = merge(parts1.first, parts2.second);
    int main() {
      std::shared_ptr<Node> root;
      int n;
      std::cin >> n;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        std::string s;
        std::cin >> s;
        if (s == "add") {
          int pos, val;
          std::cin >> pos >> val;
          addElement(root, pos, val);
        } else if (s == "remove") {
          int pos;
          std::cin >> pos;
          removeElement(root, pos);
        } else {
          int pos;
          std::cin >> pos;
          std::cout << getPrefixSum(root, pos) << std::endl;
      return 0;